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Nonprofit to host Aurora summer kickoff event Saturday

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Posted at 9:38 AM, May 24, 2024

AURORA, Colo. — The Iron Sharp Community Foundation, in partnership with several other Aurora community organizations, will host a summer kickoff event Saturday.

“This is really intended just to lavish the community with love and service and lavish the students and families that might not have an opportunity to go off on a summer vacation or go to, you know, some sort of vacation destination. But we're bringing these resources to them, to their families, to their students to have access to resources throughout the summer. But also get plugged into safe and healthy programming that can lead to social and emotional learning, character development, and so much more,” Jordan Clark, founder of the Iron Sharp Community Foundation, said.

Clark said the event is free and will be hosted in partnership with more than 20 organizations including the FBI, Aurora Public Schools, the Colorado Rapids, Safe2Tell and the American Youth Soccer Organization.

“This event is intended to provide safe, healthy educational, financial literacy information and educational resources to high need, title one school students as well as McKinney-Vento and homeless students across Cherry Creek Schools and Aurora Public Schools,” Clark said.

The event will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Soccer City Aurora.

Clark said everyone is welcome to attend and participation in the soccer event requires pre-registration.

Nonprofit to host Aurora summer kickoff event Saturday

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