

2013 Colorado floods: On 10th anniversary of devastating floods, a timeline of events as they happened

The 2013 flood event in Colorado approached a 500 to 1,000-year event in some areas, meaning that this type of event only occurs every 500 to 1,000 years, according to the NWS in Boulder
Posted: 3:13 PM, Sep 11, 2023
Updated: 2023-11-08 11:20:55-05
Colorado 2013 floods: 5 years later, road and bridge projects remain in multiple counties

DENVER – Nine people died after more than 1,900-square miles flooded across 18 Colorado counties as extreme rain fell for a period of five days in September of 2013.

More than 2,000 homes were destroyed and 10 times that number were damaged in the floods. The damage left behind by the deluge would be around $4 billion in today’s economy.

As we remember the 2013 Colorado floods that severely impacted parts of the Denver metro area and the Foothills, look back at the historic floods from records kept by the National Weather Service in Boulder, from which most of the following information is sourced.

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