
Colorado reacts to Biden victory: Celebrations, pro-Trump protests erupt in Denver

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DENVER — Moments after news organizations called the election for former Vice President Joe Biden, howling, elated screams and honking could be heard in parts of Denver Saturday morning.

Soon after, hundreds started gathering at the state capitol building, where a celebration erupted. People were seen holding pro-Biden signs and chanting as passing traffic honked horns in agreement.

"This is what it was like when Obama got elected. Everyone is just happy and celebrating," said Heather Daley, who was among thousands who celebrated downtown. "We now have an adult in office. Yes!"

"It's like a weight has been lifted off the nation's chest," said Frank Bacon. "A weight of hatred and anger. Now, we can go back to at least resemble something we used to be."

Denver Police formed a line between Trump and Biden supporters to keep them separated.

The much larger Biden crowd rallied at the Capitol for awhile then marched through downtown, with a small band.

"This is definitely a part of history," Bacon said. "It's been peaceful and celebratory and just fantastic."

However, the enthusiasm wasn’t shared by some.

Trump supporters held a “Stop the Steal” protest alongside Biden supporters at the state capitol, refusing to accept defeat and echoing Trump’s unsubstantiated allegations that the Democrats won the election by fraud.

"There seems to be a lot of irregularities," one Trump supporter, who declined to give his name, told Denver7. Personally, I just want them to investigate them."

Earlier in the day, a group of Trump supporters drove from Denver to Colorado Springs on Interstate 25 with American flags and pro-Trump signs on their vehicles.

Andrew Roise said, "If Trump loses fair and square, we will get behind the winner and we will be one America. We'll look at the next election, but it is important that it be a fair win."

Joe Biden declared President-Elect: Colorado reacts

Colorado leaders are also reacting to Biden’s victory.

Colorado’s Democratic Gov. Jared Polis issued the following statement on Joe Biden becoming the president-elect:

“What makes America extraordinary is that our elections are safe and secure and that the results reflect the will of the people. Every legitimate vote is counted and a winner is declared and we all respect the process. In 2020, Coloradans showed the world that our election system is safe, reliable and our democracy functions at its best when we break down barriers to ensure more people vote. A new dawn is rising in America. Congratulations to President-Elect Biden and Vice-President-Elect Harris on a historic victory in Colorado and across the country and on focusing on what unites us all as Americans. I am excited to work with the Biden-Harris administration to continue building a Colorado for all, and a United States of America for all.” U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet released a statement Saturday, congratulating President-Elect Biden and Vice-President-Elect Harris, saying, “With your victory comes the promise that, as a country, we can set aside years of partisan acrimony and get to the hard work of making equality and prosperity our shared purpose.”

Denver Mayor Michael Hancock, a Democrat, sent the following statement about former Vice President Joe Biden becoming the president-elect:

“Congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamal Harris! This was an historic win and historic election. I want to thank everyone for their patience while all the votes were counted, and for the record number of people who exercised their right to vote. This is a victory for hope, decency and the promise of the American people. Come January, the dysfunction will be over. President-elect Biden has faced this type of challenge before, working with President Obama to pull us out of the Great Recession, and he’ll be ready on Day 1 to take the steps needed to get this pandemic under control. He’ll be ready to rebuild our economy and work with Congress to get a stimulus deal that struggling Americans and businesses desperately need right now. He’ll be ready to bring honor and respect back to the White House. This is a new day for our country, and now that the election is over, it’s time for us to come together, to move forward together, and rebuild together.”

U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet released a statement Saturday, congratulating President-Elect Biden and Vice-President-Elect Harris, saying, “With your victory comes the promise that, as a country, we can set aside years of partisan acrimony and get to the hard work of making equality and prosperity our shared purpose.”

“Congratulations to President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris. More citizens voted in this election than ever before. The election was hard fought and fairly won. With your victory comes the promise that, as a country, we can set aside years of partisan acrimony and get to the hard work of making equality and prosperity our shared purpose. I look forward to joining you in this effort.”