

Colorado child sex offender arrested in small town near Richmond, Virginia, Lakewood police say

Kevin O’Brien fled to Virginia in 2021 and eluded authorities for months
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LAKEWOOD, Colo. – A child sex offender wanted in Colorado was arrested in the state of Virginia last week after months of being on the run, the Lakewood Police Department said Friday.

Kevin O’Brien, 52, was arrested in 2021 on charges of attempted sexual assault on a child and internet luring of a child in connection with a case in Lakewood and was sentenced to 36 months’ probation, requiring him to register as a sex offender, according to a news release from Lakewood police.

Investigators say he was again charged with sexual exploitation of a child in Adams County resulting in his probation being revoked.

O’Brien not only failed to appear in court for the charges but also failed to register as a sex offender as required in Denver, police said. When officers tried to arrest him at his Denver home, they discovered he had already fled the area.

A Lakewood agent eventually figured out O’Brien had escaped to Richmond, Va., and with the help of the U.S. Marshals in that state, detectives found out O’Brien was moving frequently and “making significant efforts to conceal his location from law enforcement,” according to the release.

In September of this year, an undercover Lakewood agent contacted O’Brien pretending to be interested in meeting for sex, which helped detectives discover where he was hiding at the time.

He was finally taken into custody last Friday at a Starbucks in a small town near Richmond, Va., police said.

The 52-year-old is currently awaiting extradition to Colorado on three standing warrants. U.S. Marshals in Virginia are also pursuing federal criminal charges under the Adam Walsh Act.