

Coronavirus in Colorado: Latest COVID-19 updates for July 6-12, 2020

and last updated

More than 34,000 people in Colorado have tested positive for the novel coronavirus, according to data released Sunday by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Of those, about 5,500 people have been hospitalized.

Click here for the latest update on the number of cases, the age, gender and location of presumptive positive, indeterminate and confirmed cases from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

Below, we're updating this blog with the latest information regarding COVID-19 in Colorado.

Latest updates:

Sunday, July 12

4:07 p.m. | Latest COVID-19 numbers for Colorado

Here are the latest COVID-19 numbers provided by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). Please note: The (+) denotes the change in cases from the previous day.

36,591 positive cases (+322)
5,885 people hospitalized (+10)
61 counties (+0)
389,099 people tested (+7,264)
1,725 deaths among cases (+0)
1,586 deaths due to COVID (+0)
398 outbreaks (+0)

The latest hospital data from the CDPHE show 324 hospital beds in use by confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients.

Saturday, July 11

4 p.m. | Latest COVID-19 numbers for Colorado

Here are the latest COVID-19 numbers provided by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). Please note: The (+) denotes the change in cases from the previous day.

36,591 positive cases (+400)
5,885 people hospitalized (+21)
61 counties (+0)
389,099 people tested (+6,240)
1,725 deaths among cases (+1)
1,586 deaths due to COVID (+0)
398 outbreaks (+7)

The latest hospital data from the CDPHE show 328 hospital beds in use by confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients.

Friday, July 10

7:29 p.m. | Tri-County Health's mask mandate goes into effect July 24

Residents in Adams, Arapahoe, and Douglas counties will be required to start wearing a face mask or covering beginning Friday, July 24 — unless their jurisdiction opts out of the mandate via a vote, as is the case with Douglas County.

The Tri-County Health Department said in a news release Friday it had issued its Public Health Order Requiring Facial Coverings in Public Where Social Distancing Cannot be Maintained which was approved by the Board of Health on July 8.

The order requires that people wear facial coverings in public spaces in cities and counties that have not opted-out of the order in Adams, Arapahoe, and Douglas counties.

The mandate expires on October 24, 2020, unless amended, extended, rescinded, or superseded in writing by the Executive Director of the TCHD.

4:42 p.m. | Lakewood closes Big Soda Lake, reservoir and Bear Creek Lake due to crowds

The City of Lakewood has closed Big Soda Lake, the reservoir and Bear Creek Lake "in order to comply with Jefferson County Public health and State mandates," officials said, after a sizeable crowd of people was spotted at Bear Creek Lake violating social distancing guidelines.

4 p.m. | CDPHE: Large increase in Colorado COVID-19 cases Friday is due to testing backlog

Colorado saw its highest single-day increase in coronavirus cases since April 29 on Friday, but the Colorado Department of Health and Environment (CDPHE) says those numbers are partly due a backlog of tests that were just processed. "While some of the increase is due to more testing, Coloradans are having more interactions with one another," the department stated in a tweet. Here are the latest numbers reported by CDPHE. Note: The (+) denotes a change in cases from the previous day.

36,191 positive cases (+666)
5,864 people hospitalized (+33)
61 counties (+0)
382,859 people tested (+8,698)
1,724 deaths among cases (+18)
1,586 deaths due to COVID (+5)
391 outbreaks (+4)

The latest hospital data from the CDPHE show 328 hospital beds in use by confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients – 10 more beds than reported on Thursday.

Thursday’s three-day moving average positivity rate in Colorado was 4.62%. The state’s target is to remain below 5%.

3:07 p.m. | Breckenridge creates mandatory mask zone, puts in other enforcement tactics in place to increase public compliance

Breckenridge City Council approved two emergency ordinances Thursday night in an effort to increase mark compliance among the public.

The first calls for the wearing of masks or face coverings in certain situations, and also calls for the creating of a "mandatory mask zone" including Main Street, the Riverwalk Lawn, French Street, the Gondola Base Area, Main Street Station, and La Cima Mall. Officials said in a news release masks are required to be worn while a person is in an “outdoor public place” within that mask zone with a few noted exceptions, meaning that persons are required to wear masks both inside establishments and outdoors on the street, even if physical distancing is possible.

The second emergency ordinance amended the Town Code for Business and Occupational Tax licenses (BOLT Licenses) and added an additional penalty for violating a Public Health Order issued by the Public Health Director of Summit County, officials said. If, after a hearing, there is a determination that cause exists for sanctions against a licensee for the violation of the public health order, the Finance Director shall suspend the licensee’s license for 30 days and shall impose an administrative fine of $2,650.

The town council also gave its manager the authority to create an order mandating that businesses in Breckenridge close by 11 p.m.

All of these emergency ordinances go into effect immediately.

1:45 p.m. | Colorado and Denver officials stress importance of masks in keeping COVID-19 increase from spiking

A day after Colorado’s governor told Coloradans to “wear a damn mask,” officials from Denver and the state health department reiterated how crucial mask-wearing would be in order to keep the currently-gradual increase in cases and hospitalizations from quickly growing exponentially.

Denver Mayor Michael Hancock stressed that masks are required in many settings in the city: “Face coverings are required in Denver. The order has not been relaxed, has not gone away.”

Hancock and other city officials outlined the amended face covering requirement for the city as well. People in Denver are required to wear masks or face coverings when they are in line for or at any indoor or outdoor business or event; when they are inside or in line to enter government facilities; at health care and personal services operations unless directed otherwise because the service requires a person to remove their mask; in commons areas of apartments, condos, lobbies, pools, elevators, offices and other spaces used by the public.

They are also required when a person is walking into, inside or near a restaurant or bar except for when they are eating or drinking.

“It’s not a political statement,” Hancock said. “The reality is when you wear a mask, you’re demonstrating care for those around you. It’s the greatest tool we have to help combat the transmission of COVID-19 in our community.”

Hancock said the city had seen about a 60% jump in complaints over the last two weeks about noncompliance with the mask order, saying some people were getting a false impression that life is “returning to normal.”

Hancock and McDonald said that city officials were still working with the state to determine the future of the testing site at the Pepsi Center, which the city used federal COVID-19 money to fund, and that they hoped to have an update later Friday or early next week.

State Epidemiologist Dr. Rachel Herlihy said the current virus case increase is slower than the one Colorado experienced this spring, and that some, but not all, the increases in cases can be attributed to increased testing – along with a backlog of rest results received late this week.

The average age of Coloradans testing positive for COVID-19 has now fallen to 33 from the upper 40s in April, Herlihy said. She noted that while younger people are less likely to have severe symptoms, they can still infect others, and cases of the virus can still be severe in all age groups.

Click here to read the full story.

Noon | Denver City Council going virtual

The Denver City Council on Friday said it will begin holding its meetings virtually on Monday. Denver Public Health Administrator Bob McDonald made the recommendation last week to "decrease the risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19."

Residents will still be able to make public comments and watch the meetings via Zoom. Go here for links to meetings and to sign up for public participation.

Colorado has seen an uptick of COVID-19 cases in recent weeks, including in Denver, where Mayor Michael Hancock on Friday said the positivity rate for tests has increased from around 3% to 4.5%.

11 a.m. | City of Golden mask requirement expanded, goes into effect immediately

Golden City Council unanimously passed an emergency ordinance during their meeting Thursday night, expanding current mask requirements to include indoor and outdoor areas of the city, officials said in a news release Friday.

Ordinance 2140 requires face coverings for anyone working or visiting a building that’s open to the public. The order also requires masks in public areas outside, unless you can maintain six feet of social distance - which includes streets, sidewalks, parks, trails, etc.

There are some exceptions: Children 3 and under, people with existing medical conditions that make mask-wearing unsafe to their health, anyone undergoing a medical procedure (as in, during a dentist or doctor appointment), while eating out, schools, organized sports that are already in compliance with current health guidelines.

The ordinance expires Aug. 14.

City officials also said council directed staff to look for ways to re-open Clear Creek for limited recreation. Until safe solutions can be identified and implemented, access to the creek will remain closed.

Thursday, July 9

4 p.m. | Latest coronavirus numbers

Here were the latest coronavirus numbers for Colorado, as of 4 p.m. Thursday, with the change from Wednesday in parentheses:

35,525 cases (+409)
5,831 hospitalized (+11)
61 counties (+0)
374,161 tested (+6,437)
1,706 deaths among cases (+2)
1,581 deaths due to COVID-19 (+37)
387 outbreaks (+3)

Explore more of Colorado's COVID-19 case data here.

The latest hospital data from the CDPHE show 318 hospital beds in use by confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients – 17 fewer beds than reported on Wednesday, with 83% of hospitals reporting within the past 24 hours. Wednesday’s three-day moving average positivity rate in Colorado was 4.57%. The state’s target is to remain below 5%.

GRAPH: COVID-19 hospital beds in use as of July 9, 2020

3:52 p.m. | Colorado governor doesn't rule out mask mandate but makes clear: 'Wear a damn mask!'

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis did not rule out a statewide mask mandate in a news conference Thursday but made clear in his plainest terms yet how he feels about Coloradans and visitors to the state wearing them: “Wear a damn mask!”

The governor’s exclamation came in response to a question about why he had not issued a statewide mandate for face coverings or masks, as have some other states in response to their massive spikes in new COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations.

“If I haven’t been clear, I’m telling you to wear a mask,” Polis said after outlining that he feels he has been clear for weeks that all Coloradans should be wearing masks when indoors and when they can’t stay 6 feet apart from others and that he doubted anyone was waiting only on “a piece of paper” from the governor telling them to do so.

He said that local counties and municipalities have a much higher ability to enforce mask orders through local police, deputies and health agencies than the state does, and said that about 60% of Colorado now has mask-wearing or face covering ordinances in place.

But when pressed, he said he would not rule out a statewide mask order.

“I haven’t ruled out anything,” Polis said. “I want to do whatever leads to more mask wearing in our state.”

That includes out-of-state residents who visit Colorado, who Polis said should be fined by local agencies if they refuse to adhere to local or state public health orders and requirements. The governor said that between 50,000 and 100,000 Texans and Arizonans visited Colorado for the Fourth of July holiday – coming from the nation’s current COVID-19 hotspots.

Polis and Colorado School of Public Health Dean Dr. Jon Samet also unveiled a new interactive website where people can use the school and state’s modeling data to configure various possibilities involving the virus in coming months based off changes to mask-wearing numbers, social distancing and other data to see how the modeling works and to find out for themselves what kinds of measures are needed to keep the state’s hospital systems and ICU beds from being overrun later this year.

Click here to read the full story.

3:42 p.m. | Eagle, Garfield, Pitkin counties to implement regional COVID-19 testing strategy

The public health departments in Eagle, Garfield and Pitkin counties say they're coordinating their regional testing strategies for COVID-19 by focusing resources to decrease burden while supporting the needs of local communities in wake of a surge in cases nationwide, which are stressing the testing component supply chain. With this in mind, those counties recommend testing for the following groups:

-- People with symptoms consistent with COVID-19, including fever, cough or shortness of breath
-- People with symptoms and who are at greater risk for severe disease, including hospitalization and death (65 years of age or older or who have chronic lung disease, moderate to severe asthma, serious heart conditions, are immunocompromised, are pregnant, or are otherwise considered at high risk by a licensed healthcare provider)
-- People that are hospitalized with symptoms consistent with COVID-19
-- Close contacts of a confirmed COVID-19 case, as defined and recommended by a local public health agency
-- People within congregate settings where there may be a broader exposure to COVID-19 as determined by a local public health agency

The counties ask residents to follow containment strategies including maintaining 6 feet of social distance, washing your hands often for 20 seconds, wearing a face mask or covering, staying home if feeling sick, and getting tested immediately if you believe you have symptoms related to COVID-19.

8:32 p.m. | COVID-19 vaccine trial to launch in Colorado

Researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and UCHealth on the CU Anschutz Medical Campus say they will recruit qualified patients throughout Colorado for a study testing a promising COVID-19 vaccine candidate.

UCHealth and the CU School of Medicine will recruit 1,000 patients for the trial, and participants will be monitored for at least a year to determine the vaccine’s safety and whether they contract COVID-19. Patients from throughout Colorado will be invited to participate, though they will have to travel to University of Colorado Hospital for their appointments.

Unlike traditional vaccines which expose someone to a small amount of virus, the Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccine being tested here in Colorado, focuses on the genetic code of the coronavirus and its spike protein, according to Dr. Thomas Campbell, an infectious disease physician at the CU School of Medicine and University of Colorado Hospital.

“If it works, the Moderna vaccine could be a real game-changer for the pandemic," he said, adding the vaccine’s purpose would be to induce an antibody response against the protein that would prevent the virus from infecting cells, thereby stimulating the body’s immune system without exposing someone to the actual virus.

Potential participants will be contacted through UCHealth’s My Health Connection patient portal and invited to participate if they meet the criteria for the trial.

The recruitment period will run about two months at UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital, and is the only hospital in Colorado for this study.

7:50 a.m. | State Labor Department releases unemployment claims for week ending on July 4

The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment reported that 7,854 regular initial unemployment claims were filed the week ending July 4. There were also 5,900 Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) claims filed for the same week.

Over the past 16 weeks, a total of 483,065 regular unemployment initial claims have been filed. A grand total of 617,481 claims were filed, including federal PUA benefits.

The department said it has paid out approximately $3.3 billion in unemployment benefits since March 29. That includes regular unemployment benefits, and those filing PUA claims and Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (PUC) claims, which provides eligible claimants an extra $600 in federal benefits each week.

6:50 a.m. | Layoffs stuck at high level as 1.3 million seek unemployment benefits

More than 1.3 million Americans applied for unemployment benefits last week, a historically high pace that shows that many employers are still laying people off in the face of a resurgent coronavirus. In the week ending July 4, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 1,314,000, a decrease of 99,000 from the previous week’s revised level, the U.S. Department of Labor said Thursday.

Read the story here.

Wednesday, July 8

4:40 p.m. | Weld County reaches 10% population testing goal

Weld County says it has reached its goal of testing 10% of the population six weeks after obtaining COVID-19 testing kits and organizing a series of events with health care providers as well as public and private agencies to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus.

4 p.m. | Colorado sees more than 450 new cases of COVID-19

The latest numbers from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) show the state saw yet another uptick in the number of positive cases of the novel coronavirus, reporting a total of 452 new cases from Tuesday into Wednesday. Here are the latest figures from the CDPHE. Please note: The (+) denotes the change in cases from the previous day.

35,116 positive cases (+452)
5,820 people hospitalized (+79)
61 counties (+0)
367,724 people tested (+5,579)
1,704 deaths among cases (+8)
1,544 deaths due to COVID (+2)
384 outbreaks (+13)

The latest hospital data from the CDPHE shows 335 hospital beds in use by confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients – 8 more beds than reported on Tuesday, with 86% of hospitals reporting within the past 24 hours.

Tuesday's three-day moving average positivity rate was 4.03%. The state's target is to remain below 5%.

3:38 p.m. | Hancock writes to City Council, asks them to identify temporary campsites for the homeless

Denver Mayor Michael Hancock is asking City Council to identify at least one potential site in each member's districts to serve as temporary managed campsites known as "Safe Outdoor Spaces." Hancock says they city is looking for sites in the 10,000-square-foot range, which could occupy 60 people, 50 socially distant tents, restroom and shower facilities and a common area.

Council members have until Friday, July 17, to send a list of potential sites to the mayor.

At the beginning of this month, Hancock said he also supported the idea of a sales tax increase for additional funding for homeless support services.

3:17 p.m. | Jeffco schools to offer 100% in-person classes this fall

Jeffco Public Schools announced Wednesday its plans to offer both 100% in-person learning and remote learning for all grades beginning in August.

Pre-K through 12th grade will begin classes the week of Aug. 24, according to the plan released superintendent Jason Glass. All students will have the option of attending classes in person or taking classes remotely from home.

Read the full restart plan here. Families are being asked to fill out a form indicating whether their child will be attending in-person classes or participating in remote learning.

Click here to read the full story.

2:45 p.m. | Pepsi Center COVID-19 testing site reaches testing limit for day

The COVID-19 testing site at the Pepsi Center in Denver has shut down for the day after administering 2,000 tests Wednesday, the maximum number of tests the site is doing each day.

The 2,000 limit is response to increased demand for testing, according to Murphy Robinson, head of Denver's Department of Public Safety. Robinson said limiting the number of tests ensures results can be turned around in a timely manner.

The free testing site at the Pepsi Center is open 7 days a week, from 8 a.m. until 2,000 tests have been administered.

2:30 p.m. | JBS now has COVID-19 outbreak among intern program, state data says

The JBS meatpacking plant in Greeley now has a COVID-19 outbreak among its internship program, according to state outbreak data released Wednesday.

The plant's summer internship program has had six cases and no deaths, the data said. The plant, as a whole, has had 287 cases among employees and six deaths since the outbreak began. The plant's outbreak is still listed as active, according to the data. State officials classify an outbreak as two or more cases of COVID-19 in a facility within a 14-day period.

The largest outbreak in the state, 564 cases among inmates at the Sterling Correctional Facility, also remains active, according to the data Wednesday.

View the full list of Colorado outbreaks and cases here.

1:07 p.m. | Tri-County Board of Health votes to authorize mandatory face covering requirement, with opt out clause
The Tri-County Health Department’s Board of Health voted 5-4 Wednesday to authorize the department’s executive director to implement a mandatory requirement that people wear face coverings in certain settings, though the three counties and local municipalities under the department’s jurisdiction will be allowed to opt out if they choose and vote to do so.

The directive passed by the board says that the order will expire on or before 90 days from when it is implemented by TCHD Executive Director John M. Douglas, Jr., M.D., unless he amends, extends or rescinds the public health order.

The measure passed after hours of discussion and hand-wringing about whether or not it was the board of health’s role to authorize the executive director to implement the face covering requirement or that of local elected officials. The meeting was also interrupted multiple times by members of the public opposed to wearing masks, with some calling some board of health members communists.

In the end, all three board members from Adams County – President Rosanna Reyes, RN; Julie Mullica, MPH; and Richard Delaney, JD, MPH – all voted in favor of passing the authorization. Joining them in the majority were Secretary Jan Brainard, RN, of Arapahoe County and Paulette Joswick, RN, of Douglas County.

The four members of the board who voted against authorizing the mandatory mask mandate were Thomas Fawell, MD, and Kaia Gallagher, PhD, of Arapahoe County, and Marsha Jaroch, NP, and Vice President Zachary Nannestad, MPH, of Douglas County.

Douglas argued that more data is showing that wearing masks and mandatory requirements for when people are inside businesses or outside and cannot stay at least 6 feet away from people have likely kept the spread of the virus down in other countries, state and cities that have adopted them.

He and some others on the board lamented how politicized mask-wearing has become, and it showed in comments in the meeting’s chat room and in some of the interruptions from the public.“It has unfortunately gotten to be politicized in a way that I’ve never seen a public health intervention fall prey to,” Douglas said.

The board members said during the meeting they had received a letter from several mayors within the metro area urging the board to pass a mandate. Among those who signed it were Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman, Westminster Mayor Herb Atchison, Englewood Mayor Linda Olson and Northglenn Mayor Meredith Leighty, as well as mayor from other municipalities that already have orders in place.

Click here to read the full story.

7 a.m. | Two outdoor pools in Aurora reopening today

The Del Mar Water Park and Meadow Hills Outdoor Pool in Aurora are opening today. There are new rules though, including a maximum capacity of 50 people, which is just a tenth of the normal crowd at Del Mar. City officials are recommending visitors make reservations.

Deck furniture will be rearranged at the pools and you'll need to wear a mask when entering and exiting the pool. Click here for more information.

6:10 a.m. | Englewood mask mandate

On June 6, Englewood City Council voted to direct the city manager to issue an emergency order mandating mask-wearing for all residents and visitors inside businesses, government offices and public transit. This order is applicable to all residents older than 5 years old and goes into effect on July 9.

Tuesday, July 7

6:21 p.m. | 102nd Weld County Fair will be held this summer, with restrictions

The 102nd Weld County Fair will take place this summer amid the coronavirus pandemic, the Weld County Board of Commissioners announced today - though there will be restrictions to protect public health as much as possible.

This year, the fair will be open to exhibitors and their families so as to allow for the completion of 4-H and FFA projects, the board said in a statement. General public and vendors will not be able to attend this year nor will there be open class exhibits. The dates for the fair will remain the same, from July 24 through August 3.

Several livestock shows will be livestreamed online via Barn Media. To learn more and participate, click here. For more on dates and precautions that will be taken during the fair, click here.

6 p.m. | CDPHE releases information on Protect-Our-Neighbors Certification

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) has released a guide and application form to allow local communities to apply for Protect-Our-Neighbors certification. Those wishing to apply have to meet eight criteria - including declining cases of coronavirus - and have attestation letters from hospitals, public health experts and local officials. "Because cases are increasing in many counties throughout the state, most counties will not yet be eligible to apply for Protect Our Neighbors," CDPHE officials said.

The CDPHE says once communities meet the criteria for certification, they will be allowed to operate at 50% of pre-pandemic capacity, with at least 6 feet between non-household members and no more than 500 people in one setting at a time.

To view the guide for how to apply or Protect Our Neighbors, click here. To view the form and apply for Protect Our Neighbors, click here.

4 p.m. | Uptick in novel coronavirus in Colorado from Monday into Tuesday

Over 400 people tested positive for the novel coronavirus from Monday into Tuesday, according to the latest figures from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). Please note: The (+) denotes the change in cases from the previous day.

34,664 positive cases (+407)
5,741 people hospitalized (+150)
61 counties (+0)
362,145 people tested (+4,394)
1,696 deaths among cases (+5)
1,542 deaths due to COVID (0)
371 outbreaks (+4)

The latest hospital data from the CDPHE shows 327 hospital beds in use by confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients – 57 more beds than reported on Monday, with 86% of hospitals reporting within the past 24 hours. Monday's positivity rate was 3.45%

3:15 p.m. | Inmate, staff member test positive for COVID-19 at Buena Vista Correctional Center

An inmate and a staff member at the Buena Vista Correctional Center tested positive for the novel coronavirus, the Colorado Department of Corrections confirmed today. A full prevalence testing program at the facility will begin Wednesday, in partnership between the CDOC and the CDPHE.

A CDOC spokesperson said the staff member has not been inside the facility since June 30, "and at this time it has been determined if the cases are connected."

Due to the positive tests, the BVCC has gone into Phase 3 modified operations, meaning inmates must remain in their cells during the quarantined period outside of using restrooms or showering; all meals are being delivered to inmates in their cells, and the facility will undergo extensive cleaning multiple times a day and staff and inmates will continue to be required to wear face coverings.

3 p.m. | Pepsi Center COVID-19 testing site closes early

The COVID-19 free testing site at the Pepsi Center in Denver closed around 12:30 p.m. to new drive-ups after the site reached its testing capacity for the day following a four-day closure for the holiday and a Denver furlough day.

A data tracker from the city of Denver says the site tested 2,029 people by 1:30 p.m. Tuesday. Some who went to get tested on Tuesday said they had to wait in line for two hours.

The city has said that the site will be open daily as testing resources are available. Testing begins every day at 8 a.m. and continue until 2,000 tests have been administered.

8:05 a.m. | Polis extends disaster emergency declaration

Gov. Jared Polis signed an executive order that extends the disaster emergency declaration for COVID-19 for 30 days beyond the July 6, unless amended by another executive order. The order was signed on Monday.

Click here to read the executive order.

Monday, July 6

4 p.m. | Latest coronavirus cases from Colorado

Here are the latest coronavirus numbers in Colorado reported by the State's Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). Please note: The (+) denotes a change in cases from the previous day.

34,257 positive cases (+192)
5,591 people hospitalized (+26)
61 counties (+0)
357,751 people tested (+4,993)
1,691 deaths among cases (-10)*
1,542 deaths due to COVID-19 (+21)
367 outbreaks (+1)

The latest hospital data from the CDPHE shows 270 hospital beds in use by confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients – 13 fewer beds than reported on Sunday, with 65% of hospitals reporting within the past 24 hours.

*The CDPHE says 10 deaths among cases were removed from the state count after the El Paso County coroner recently determined that 11 deaths that were previously categorized as probable were not COVID-19 cases. "We removed one of those deaths from the total last week, and the other ten were removed today," a spokesperson said.

12:45 p.m. | Weld County Jail resumes visitation

The Weld County Jail in Greeley on Monday resumed inmate visitation through both on-site visits and remote monitors in the lobby of the jail, the sheriff's office announced.

The jail's COVID-19 outbreak is still listed as "active," according to state outbreak data. The jail has had 39 cases among inmates and one death. Twenty-two staffers have tested positive.

An active outbreak is two or more confirmed cases of COVID-19 within a 14-day period.

One on-site visit is permitted at a time for each unit of the jail. On-site visitation is open 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. Saturday visitation is open 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The remote visitation hours are 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., seven days per week.

For more information about visiting an inmate, call the jail visitor information line at 970-400-4045.

Check back for the latest updates.

Click here for the live blog from June 29-July 5, 2020.