

Colorado extends special health insurance enrollment period for uninsured people through April 30

People who enroll April 4-30 will have benefits kick in May 1
Colorado insurers request average individual health insurance premium rate hikes of 5.9% for 2019
and last updated

DENVER – Colorado on Thursday extended its special enrollment period for uninsured people to sign up for health insurance through Connect for Health Colorado through the end of April, though people can still enroll through the end of Friday to have coverage kick in effective April 1.

The state had already opened a special enrollment period from March 20 through April 3 for people to be able to sign up for health insurance if they were not insured.

Only people who are currently uninsured are eligible to enroll during the period – people with already-existing plans through Connect for Health Colorado are not able to change their plans. People’s spouses and children who are also uninsured can enroll as well, even if one spouse or a child’s parent is already insured.

Connect for Health Colorado said Thursday in announcing the extension that around 5,500 people had already signed up for a plan that is effective April 1.

People who sign up for insurance between April 4 and April 30 will see their coverage kick in starting May 1.

“I’m pleased that our team, and the folks at Connect for Health Colorado, have worked to make this happen,” said Colorado Insurance Commissioner Michael Conway. “I urge everyone that doesn’t have insurance to work with Connect for Health Colorado to determine what insurance plans are available to them and to see if they qualify for financial assistance.”

Additionally, Coloradans who lose their job or might in coming weeks as the COVID-19 fallout continues, and lose their employer-based health insurance coverage as a result, will also have a 60-day window to enroll in individual coverage on Connect for Health Colorado because they will undergo a “Qualifying Life Change Event.”

People can enroll in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) at any time of the year.

The state is encouraging people to enroll through Connect for Health Colorado. People can find help enrolling by clicking here or calling 855-752-6749. C4HCO also has a cost and plan finder to help people find the best plan.

“We want to do everything we can to ensure Coloradans have the resources they need during this difficult time,” said Gov. Jared Polis. “As this pandemic continues, we know that having health insurance will be critical, which is why we are extending this enrollment period. Everyday my administration is evaluating what steps we can take to minimize the health impact and economic impact of this crisis.”

Click here for the latest on COVID-19 in Colorado.