Sometimes families need a little help at the end of the month to make ends meet.
In Arvada they have a system that has worked wonders for 32 years.
It is the Arvada Community Food Bank.
"We actually serve the northern Jefferson County area. So, our total territory is about 100-square miles," said Mark Stratford, Director of Food Programs at the Arvada Community Food Bank.
They have a saying here: "No one goes hungry in northern Jefferson County."
The Arvada Community Food Bank turns out one million pounds of food a month to those in need.
It can do that thanks to volunteers like Andy Fitzpatrick.
"That is all you really need to do is help a little. If everyone helps a little it adds up to a lot," said Fitzpatrick.
Fitzpatrick has served here for nearly three years. Sometimes he gives his time five days a week.
"I am able to of it now that I am retired," said Fitzpatrick.
Fitzpatrick helps with multiple programs offered by the food bank, including the Feeding the Future Backpack Program that provides food to 1,700 children a week, and the Client Choice Food Pantry at 8555 West 57th Avenue in Arvada.
The food pantry is set up like a grocery store where clients can shop for food.
Being able to shop for things they know their family will enjoy, rather just being handed a preselected box of food, helps reduce food waste.
"There are about 25,000 pounds a week that goes out just to them. So, we are pushing a lot of food out the door for clients who are in need," said Sandy Martin, Executive Director of the Arvada Community Food Bank.
The food bank has hundreds of volunteers, but Fitzpatrick seems to helping there all the time.
"He just has a great way of wanting to work and wanting to serve people and always wanting to do a little bit extra," said Stratford.
Fitzpatrick is one of the reasons this food bank was honored as Arvada's Non-profit of the Year in 2015.
"I'm just glad I came here because there is a tremendous need," said Fitzpatrick.
To learn more about the Arvada Community Food Bank go to