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Should Denver parks allow beer with higher alcohol contents?

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DENVER -- The rules surrounding the sale and consumption of higher alcohol beer could be changing in Colorado, prompting Denver parks to reconsider its rules on what can and cannot be consumed on its property.

Right now, only beer with an alcohol content of 3.2 percent or lower is allowed in Denver parks. The 3.2 percent beer is sold in grocery and convenience stores. But soon the rules may be relaxed, allowing for a higher content beer to be sold everywhere.

"I think no matter where you go, no matter what your limits are, people are going to break the rules if they want to, so by lowering standards, maybe get some more responsibility out there, said City Park visitor Jordan Benjamin.

The move would be good news for the beer and alcohol lobby that's been trying to relax the rules for years. Denver Parks could stand to benefit too with more event bookings at their facilities.

Yet there is concern that stiffer drinks will lead to more distractions in the neighborhood, nearby City Park.

“This neighborhood is very peaceful and quiet,” said resident Rebecca O’Connor.  “I don't think this neighborhood would take it lightly."

The city wants to hear your views. You can voice your opinions in an online survey.