

Beer industry booming in Colorado, brings $15 billion in annual state contributions

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DENVER – We love beer in Colorado, there’s no doubt about that. But new data from an economic impact study is showing us exactly just how big our love affair is when it comes to craft suds.

The 2016 Beer Serves America report shows the beer industry brings in more than $15 billion to the state economy and provides a total of 68,705 jobs across Colorado.

Those jobs account for more than $3.7 billion in wages, while at the same time generating more than $2 billion in business and personal taxes with another $129 million paid in consumption taxes just in the last year, data from the study shows.

"Beer serves America at virtually every level of the economy, from the nearly 2.23 million employees, to the small businesses in middle-class communities, and the important tax revenues at the local, state and national levels. From farmers to factory-workers, from brewery-hands to bartenders, beer puts Americans to work,” said Beer Institute president and CEO Jim McGreevy.

Nationally, the beer industry brings in $350 billion in economic activity, nearly 2.23 million jobs in the U.S. and more than $63 billion in tax revenue, according to the study.

The Beer Institute and the National Beer Wholesalers Association jointly commissioned the study, which was compiled by John Dunham & Associates, an independent economics firm.


How to get free beer in Colorado this summer