There could be some sobering news for parents tonight in Jefferson County. The school district is planning to announce possible school closures to deal with budget shortfalls.
Money is tight in JeffCo after the 3A/3B ballot initiative failed in November. That would've increased funding to the district by hundreds of millions of dollars through increased bonds and mill levies.
So the school board is re-opening the possibility of closing several schools.
"The average annual operational cost savings for closing an elementary school is $620,000," according to the district website.
It's also considering limiting capital improvements.
Last year, the district proposed closing two elementary schools and reconfiguring several others. Now that list could possibly grow.
However, school closings aren't the only changes that could come to JeffCo Schools. The district website added that "other possible solutions include split schedules, year-round schools, boundary changes and busing route changes."
The Board will also be looking at larger class sizes, fewer staff, program cuts and/or higher fees across the district.
The special school board meeting will be held Thursday at 5 p.m. in Golden.