

DreamHack, the largest digital gaming festival in the world, is stopping in Denver this weekend

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DENVER – If you can’t wait for the Super Bowl, don’t worry – something quite like it is coming to Denver this weekend, except you won’t find players running down a field, you’ll find them locked into their computers, gaming consoles or Virtual Reality headsets.

That’s because DreamHack, the world’s largest digital gaming festival, is stopping at the National Western Complex on the final leg of its first U.S. tour.

At this point, you must have questions. No biggie, here’s everything you need to know about DreamHack.

Let’s start with the simple stuff.

DreamHack will be in Denver at the National Western Complex from Friday, Oct. 20 through Sunday, Oct. 22.

The ribbon cutting ceremony will begin at 9:30 a.m. Friday, with the last event for the day beginning at 7 p.m.

A one-day visitor pass gets you in for $20, while a 3-day visitor pass will cost you $45. Prices go up from there, so it’s best to check the DreamHack website for a full list of ticket prices.

So what else can I find besides gamers and games?

Good question, as most people seem to think that just because you’re not a gamer, you can’t participate.

Obviously, there will be E-sports gaming competitions which you, as a spectator, can watch from the comfort of really huge screens. These competitions will feature top-ranking professionals vying for the grand pool total of $250,000.

Oh, did we forget to mention some of these events will involve collegiate level competitions? Make sure to wear your school colors: CSU will compete against CU, but there will be other schools as well.

But wait, the fun doesn't end there.

If you’re into drones, you can fly your own during the daytime using augmented reality googles. You can also watch a drone racing competition and combat starting at 7 p.m. on Friday and Saturday.

But it’s not all drones and games, there’s cosplay too!

You can watch the cosplay competition at the main stage starting at 7 p.m. Saturday and stick around for an EDM concert featuring break-out star Vanic at around 10:30 p.m. Concert tickets are included with the cost of the Saturday day pass or three-day weekend pass.

If you’re into archery, you can participate in archery tag, which is similar to dodgeball but with bows and foam-tipped arrows. Don’t worry, it’s all taking place in a safe, fun and unique environment.

And if you just want to know more about the gaming industry, you can also join a panel. To view the full schedule, click here.

So there you have it, gamers. Hope you all enjoy DreamHack this weekend.