There are several new laws and changes that start on January 1 in Colorado.
-- Minimum Wage --
- The minimum wage is going up eight cents from $8.23 an hour to $8.31 an hour in Colorado. The minimum wage for tipped workers is now $5.29
-- Child welfare --
- One of the laws increases oversight by providing more funding for child and family investigators in the court system.
- The other require any child missing from foster care or placement to be reported within 24 hours, so it can be forwarded to the FBI and other agencies.
-- Smoking bans --
- In Fort Collins, the smoking ban will expand. You won't be allowed to smoke in any public area downtown.
- In Littleton, smoking won't be allowed on public streets and sidewalks
-- Pay raises --
- State and County leaders, including the governor and attorney general, will all get pay raises starting in 2019.