

Frontier Airlines reunites passengers with missing luggage just before holidays start

Passengers reunited -- "refrontiered" -- with bags

DENVER -- The Island of Misfit Bags in front of the Frontier Airlines baggage customer service center is getting smaller.

Employees with Frontier continue to work to get passengers reunited -- I mean, "re'frontier'ed" -- with their bags. It's a process that has been backlogged since last weekend's snow.

"Is there anything holiday related in there that you needed?" Denver7 reporter Marshall Zelinger asked a passenger returning to DIA.

"Yes, there were gifts," said Patricia Wright.

Wright went to Phoenix last week to watch the Arizona Cardinals host the New Orleans Saints, but her bag never made it on her flight. Six days later, with her bag never having left Denver, it was returned to her.

"Do you look at this as, 'I can't believe it took six days' or 'This is a great Christmas present?'" asked Zelinger.

"I love saving money on airfare, don't get me wrong, just as much as the next person, but it makes you think twice before actually, really deciding to check a bag," said Wright. "There was almost $500 worth of just makeup."

"So, Santa delivered $500 worth of makeup to you," said Zelinger.

"Yeah," she laughed.

Many bags were loaded onto shuttles and delivered by Western Express, a company contracted to deliver bags directly to passengers.

Jonah Gonzales was returning to DIA for the fourth time on Saturday night, to finally get his duffel bag that he needed for the holiday.

"Presents for my fiancé and my daughter and some other family," said Gonzales. "I'm just, kind of, glad that I could finally get my bag in time."