A water main break flooded streets and several homes in Boulder Monday.
The 8-inch cast iron water main broke around 4:41 p.m. in North Boulder in the 1500-block of Norwood Avenue. That's near Norwood and Broadway.
"The entire yard was full of water, it happened in like a second," said homeowner Heather Kennedy.
Boulder City spokesperson, Dan Irwin, said the water was shut off around 5:45 p.m. Thirteen homes in the neighborhood were damaged, several of them had flooded basements.
"There was a serious stream coming out of there," said homeowner Dan Vaumbach.
Vaumbach, whose basement was flooded, said he's angry it took the city more than an hour to shut off the water. He said police and fire crews showed up quickly but they had to wait on the city to arrive.
"I'm very angry. Yes, I'm shocked. It was continuing a good, probably I would say, at least an hour-and-a-half," Vaumbach said.
Irwin told Denver7's Molly Hendrickson crews located the break by 9 p.m. Monday but were still working to fix it. In the meantime, the city's insurance provider will go door-to-door to assess the damage, but it's unclear who will eventually pay.
"I wish the city would take responsibility for these things, but I'm told they don't," Vaumbach said.
The repairs were completed and the street reopened at about 9:30 a.m. Tuesday.
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