

Ball becomes volunteers shining glory

Ball becomes volunteers shining glory
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When Jen Stachelski couldn’t afford to buy a ticket to attend Sense of Security’s Champagne & Diamonds Ball in 2004, she volunteered to help out so she could be a part of the event.

Shortly after that, she was asked to be part of the planning committee and has never looked back.

“It’s kind of my way of saying thank you to the universe,” she told Denver7.

Stachelski is one of the volunteers being honored this month by Denver7 and US Bank.

She spends the year helping plan the ball. Champagne & Diamonds is the biggest fundraiser of the year for Sense of Security, an organization that provides financial assistance to cover the non-medical needs of breast cancer patients.  The ball brings the people the group helps together with those who make the financial contributions.

“It’s really great to see the people that it helps, awesome to hear their stories, “Stachelski told Denver7. “It’s great to see people who have the means help people who are in their community in their state.”

Stachelski said volunteering at the event is a family affair. Her husband handles the audio and visual needs every year and her son, who is now in college, started volunteering as a runner during the ball when he was 10.

Check out Sense of Security’s website to learn more about the group and how you can help.